Jakiś czas temu natknęłam się na blog, którego autorka i jej zakątek na ziemi bardzo mnie urzekły. Staram się do niej często zaglądać, bo piękne zdjęcia domu i ogrodu, krajobrazu zmieniających sie pór roku, jej prac i opisy codziennego życia zawsze poprawiają mi humor. Ostatnio wypatrzyłam u niej piękną poduszkę robioną na drutach i sama postanowiłam też taką zrobić. Wczoraj zaczęłam, według opisu oczywiście stąd ale po 25 rzędach, okazało się, że moja włóczka jest za cienka na druty nr 7 więc dzisiaj zaczęłam od nowa.
No changes outside. It seems to be a bit warmer but the most enjoyable thing to do is to sit at home with a cup of tea and a book or some craftswork (choice of which tends to be my morning dilemma every day). Recently I have been more and more longing for spring and this specific kind of spring breeze which gives you the power and energy to live. Personally, I hope that this spring we will be able to finish the works with our new house. There`s a lot to do but we are planning to move in next winter. As far as now, I`m browsing in the Internet to find inspiration, although I actually know how to decorate my house. Anyway, I definatelly know WHERE I will live. A small white house neer the forest with a big garden and a pond. It doesn`t matter for me that the road which leads to it is a country lane which turns into mud in early spring and late autumn.
Some time ago I came across a blog whose author and the place of her living made a big impression on me. I try to visit her side regularly as the beautiful pictures of her house, garden, landscapes which change every season of the year, her craftsworks and posts about daily life always make me feel better. Last week I noticed at her site a beutiful knitted cushion and I decided to make a similar one. Yesterday I gave it a go following the description which you can find here, but unfortunatelly, after 25 rows I had to start again as my yarn occurred not to be so thick for the needles nr 7. :-)
Ostatnio kupiłam tez nowe kordonki na firankę do kuchni, ale tu już wszytko w rękach mojej mamy. Z szydełkiem sie jeszcze nie zaprzyjaźniłam.
I also bought some new threads for crochet window decorations but here everything lies in my mum`s hands. I haven`t made friends with the hook yet.
A na koniec, zdjęcie mojego hiacynta, który zakwitł dziś rano:-)
And for the end, the picture of my hiacynth, which bloomed this morning.