The beginning of June was incredible. In 8 days I visited 3 Scandinavian countries. Together with my students I went on a school trip to Norway, visiting Danmark and Sweden on the way. Beautiful, but changeable weather , Norwegian fiords, plateauu and glaciers will stay in my mind for long. White nights could not disturb my sleep pattern as I was so tired of the amount of excitement after each day that I simply didn`t care what views there were outside - at 2 a.m it looked as here in Poland in a cloudy afternoon).
Jeśli ktoś lubi poczuć adrenalinę w ilości przekraczającej ludzkie wyobrażenia to polecam jazdę autokarem Drogą Orłów i spacer Drabiną Trolli. Zakręcone drogi, przepaście bez barierek,, 900m dół, ta głucha cisza i tony śniegu, które w każdej chwili mogą się obsunąć. Jak dobrze, że jestem już w domu:-)
If you like adrenaline - in the amount you can barely imagine - I recommend sitting in the coach and admiring the views on both sides of the Eagles Road. Additionally, a walk on the Trolls Ladder is a great fun. The roads winding along the edge of the precipices, without any barriers, 900m down, that deaf silence and tonnes of snow just waiting to roll down on you. There`s no place like home.
Norwegia zachwyca nie tylko krajobrazami. Ludzie są bardzo uprzejmi, uśmiechnięci i chętni pomóc w każdej sprawie. Architektura i skandynawski wystrój wnętrz to temat na osobny post:-)
Norway made a really good impression on me. Not only the views were astonishing but also the people - always smiling, kind and ready to help in any problems.
The architecture and home decor is the topic for a separate blog entry.
Jeeezusicku, jak tam pięknie!